The 48 Hour Film Project (2014 – 2019)
Providing Local Filmmakers an Opportunity to Compete on an International Stage
ROLE: Lynchburg City Producer

A Two-Day Competition for Filmmakers Across the Globe

The 48 Hour Film Project is a wild and sleepless weekend in which teams of filmmakers make a movie – write, shoot, and edit – in just 48 hours.
On Friday night, teams draw a genre from a hat. They are then given a character, prop and line to include in their films. On Sunday night, in a wild dash to the drop-off event, the film is turned in – and teams celebrate. The film is then screened at a regional theater in front of their community.
In addition, the competition presents local filmmakers with an opportunity to compete on an international stage, as winning films from each city will move on to Filmapalooza – an international festival where the top films win the opportunity to screen at one of the world’s most prestigious venues – the Cannes Film Festival in Paris, France!
Award-winning 48 Hour Films can be viewed at The 48 Hour Film Project Website.

Jonathan C. Hout
Cinematographer | Editor | Storyteller